Fun times during the first week.

 Well, I survived week one!

My roommate's name is Paige, she's cool and nerdy like me.

Our only disagreement so far is who's hotter: Steve Harrington (the hair) or Dustin (Dusty buns!) #teamdustybuns all the way!!!

Classes aren't bad, most of the professors are woke and tolerable.  There's one that, well, I don't know. She's the type I might model the kind of woman I want to be with.  She strikes me as the type that would be in a FLR and be cucking her husband type chick. lol!

Anyhow, turns out Becs is having some fun teasing this guy Kevin.  (Turns out that's the guy with the too-pretty-hair!) I guess he lost a bet arm wrestling and they got to style his hair! Anyhow, the rest of the gals I hang out with have been threatening him with pink accessories...and today Becs showed me this underboob sticky bra thing lol!

Isn't that a hoot?? well I have my own contribution!

I mean you have to have the fit to accessorize...savvy?

It'll be quite the look once put all together...wonder when it will happen??

Kevin doesn't know what's coming lol. (If you know him, keep it between us ok?)

Finally, peep this from summer time...I really want my indigo highlights back...


xoxo Mia

ps the cafeteria food mid week is sus. they even messed up the shit on a shingle!


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