Resting bitch face...all a show?

Let's have a dicussion on resting bitch face. What is RBF Mia? Glad you asked... This... This is resting bitch face. I caught Kayla walking across campus to the cafeteria, when she glanced over, this was the face I got! Not very lady like Kayla! We need to have smile classes or something, because the salty face has got to go! It was such a beautiful day out, her outfit was banging, but yet? RBF!!! But then... yesterday... I caught her coming out of the Arts building and it looks like Ms Kayla is living her best life!!! I think being a girl is really starting to grow on her! My point is, outside of one should walk around with a perpetual resting bitch face!!! So Kayla more of the second less of the first, or there'll be consequences.