Seen around campus? Yep, this weekend we had many outings....

 So, we had many outings with Kayla this weekend.  A few outfit changes and went here there and everywhere.  With it being October now, the prices of some of the basic items has dropped a bit in price. 

Anyhow, I needed a straight edge metal ruler for a course I'm taking (well that was the excuse I used hee hee) So, off to the bookstore we went!

After we went to the book store, Kayla was kind enough to accompany me to the library where I did a little studying on my laptop (big test tomorrow!)  As you can see, she still has resting bitch face...we really need to do something about that!

Turns out we were color coordinated too! (I swear that wasn't planned!)

Anyhow, I still have some cramming to do...

I had to head to the coffee bar (Mom's closes early on Sunday night! BOOO!)

I caught Jen just before she was closing so she hooked me up (let's just say instead of stuff getting poured down the drain, I'll put it to good use!) So big up to Jen at the Roasted Bean! (When you're on campus, go say hello to her - this is the shop right over by the Arts building -- I guess artists need more coffee?)

Anyhow, we've had a lot of outings so far...and the attention Kayla is drawing isn't the kind you'd think. I'm pretty sure the guy, Dale, that works at the bookstore, was "interested" in her!


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