lmfao - sorry for the late post - Swedish Flag question answered!

 Well first off, this happened a few days ago, but between a good old-fashioned head cold and studying for a test in Am Lit I simply haven't had the time to be blogging.  So, many people were wondering what's up with the flag? Let me answer that right now.


Yes, Ikea.

Kayla was in desperate need of new digs and David...well, let's just say we've sort of got him right where we want him...so it was up to me to begin the process. (Allison and I went and picked up a few pieces.)

For some reason they thought Allison and I had the best type mindset to get this done timely.  I'm thinking because I'm the "STEM" girl...but anyhow, we got it done and then everyone helped finish it up!

Now, I think the room turned out great, and we even left David a bit of the room...a bit...

Now, we had to tie Kayla up while the overhaul was happening, but if you ask me, I think she likes it! I mean look at this smile as opposed to her usual resting bitch face!!

By the way: you gotta remember Kevin (Kayla) and I are the exact same height -- she's only taller than me because of the heels we put her in!!! she's gonna get big headed because of her stilettos!

That said, I'm not going out and about until I'm feeling better, I'm hoping to be better before Thanksgiving break (I know Mom's is having some specials the days leading up to break!_


  1. Hey girl, symps, so sorry you weren't feeling so hot. (Cold, get it?) But you sure still put it all together rocking that room. It's not so over the top that David will feel really out of place (you guys are pushing him a bit, though, eh? Tell us about the date.) It's not like coloring book princess, but something a girl could be proud of. And yes, she does look happy these days. Look at those dimples pop out. Guys must be drooling over her and wanting to give her a kiss. (Poor combo there, I don't mean at the same time.) Have you girls been working a bit more on her eyebrows. (Or does she do it herself?) I swear her brows are getting to look a lot like yours. She's looking so smooth and and feminine, even just in a t-shirt and shorts. That is her, right?

  2. Well, David is afraid of POTENTIAL. lol I mean, we did what we could given there's Target, Ikea and Homeplace. Ikea had the best selections. I'm telling you, Kayla gets more looks than the rest of us. The eyebrows? well uh...there's some subtle changes there (good eye!) Yeah, that's her...she's really coming along!

  3. I absolutely love what you did with the dorm room. I had no idea what your vision was, but it's perfect. You should go into interior design.


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