Lingerie Party is ON!!!!!!


    Where?    Ashleigh's Apartment (if you're not sure of how to find it email either Ashleigh or me -- or text us)

   When?     7 pm Saturday the 10th

    What?     A lingerie party as Kayla doesn't have everything a girl needs. (Please bring lingerie, teddies, know the sexy stuff)

    Refreshments will be provided, Mom's has been so kind as to be delivering pizza and soda to the apartment! And Miranda, Ashleigh's neighbor will be making cupcakes!

    If you haven't already done so, please RSVP to me at


So, Mia here...we are in chaos mode as we're going to have the lingerie party this weekend and the Christmas/Sithmas party next weekend! ALL THE WHILE getting ready for finals...UGH

So it's going to be crazy...

but here's the thing...Kayla has been slacking so, we're thinking a punishment (NOT A FUNISHMENT!) is in order...

So, what punishment fits the crime? (by crime I mean slacking in MY HOUSEKEEPER, blogging and doing everything on her very pretty plate full!) Let me know below.


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