Few hours left for your opinion on dave's name!

 Here's the selections so far:

Davina (vote from a feminization Author)
Olivia, but nickname Livvy or LIv
Sophia (vote from a feminization Author)
Not much time left! So get your votes/opinions in NOW we'll put it to a vote tomorrow!

Go HERE to put in your names!

On another note, keeping Kayla in all of these outfits is EXPENSIVE!!!  

So, does anyone in the area have any ideas for pt jobs? (and no I don't mean being a maid for us or the obvious like that, we're college students too!) But, I mean something where she can work and earn a decent wage, close to campus (and preferably as Kayla!)

Also, have you seen this??? I can't decide if it's adorable or just 100% cap! (bs in otherwords) I can't tell if they are just trying to pull a fast one, or if it's real...

finally, on my twitter, I've discovered some feminization writers. Did you guys know this was a thing/! I found several writers that talk about...well, to be honesst, stuff almost like what we did to kevin...I mean not exactly, but kinda...Did anyone know this??

Anyone know of any other feminization writers I should study? oh lol, I mean read? I mean, we can always use ideas on our dear kayla.


  1. There are many fine feminization authors to be found and studied, many of whom work within specific areas of interest. Some focus on forced feminization, others in other areas of men dressing as or being transformed into women. https://fictionmania.tv/enter.html is a website that has been hosting transgender fiction since 1998. Many of the authors now sell their works on Amazon.com and there are other sites where people pay to purchase copyrighted works of transgender fiction. The "Nifty" archive dates back even further. I've lost count of how many stories I've written in this genre. Fictionmania has over 9,000 femdom stories alone. You might want to examine many before choosing which to study more closely.

    You may learn more from just experimenting on your own. Now as to that part-time job for Kayla...


    1. That's a fantastic site! I am really a stickler for artists/writers/models/whoever getting paid for their work. I suppose if I find a writer I like I can then go find that author. Great site though! I figure I can use BDSM/FemDom/Feminization books to get more ideas for Kayla, and now Fiona. My field of study is actually in Forensic Accounting, but this is a fun way to pass time here at humdrum Du Pont! (so I figure get ideas from those with experience!)

      oooooh! Hooters! I am pretty sure that there is one near campus! I remember the guys in my D&D group talking about hitting that up one Saturday afternoon! Good idea! She definitely needs a job!

  2. Well, since the fiona formerly known as dave and I share a name; I'd vote for Davina, but I missed this!


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