The Murse

 First things first, we're not going to even go there about the start of football season. My Raiders...tsk tsk...I mean, sometimes they hold promise, but then like Sunday, they lose to the Pampers lol.That said, nice to see we didn't have to remind kayla about the agreement for watching some football.

Now, the murse.

First off, it's supposed to not be girly. It should be simple and undeterminable if it's for a man or a woman.

I met those requirements.

But then I found a set that's great: wallet, makeup bag and coin purse for inside.

Other things she should keep in her purse are: makeup, nail polish (clear, for runs) and to touch up, spare pair of pantyhose, body spray and more.

I'll be presenting her with her murse and accessories after class today, I'm sure she'll be thrilled.


  1. This is the perfect bag! Classic and elegant, a little femme without being girly, and then once you look inside you see Kayla's true girly girl nature! 🥰

    1. exactly. I got her a girly purse for the girly moments, but this one is one that "kevin" has to carry, (he goes in boy form for poly sci and chemistry)

  2. I think Kayla needs to be pushed in further. Maybe it's time for a butt plug?

    1. We've tormented her a bit with dildos and sucking them. interesting concept.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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