
Showing posts from July, 2024

Local comic con coming up...decisions decisions...

 Next week, there's local comic con and the group is going to be going but now, the big decisions... 1. what am I going as? (you know this is what matters most) 2. what are we going to dress kayla as? (so far there's word of wonder woman) 3. what will fiona go as? 4. paige will most likely be Thor 5. becs will most likely be Harley Quin/Suicide squad version 5. Ashleigh is going as Jane from the Volturi (Twilight) 6. Allison says "she doesn't know yet) ...... So what are your thoughts? My first thought:  Our next president: Kamala Harris Or... Megan Markle, Duchess ...decisions decisions...any ideas?

...smh she does NOT know how to take care of flowers.

 Well, the 4th is tomorrow. We will have a "big bash" on the lawn (south lawn) in front of Mom's under the big tree. There will be music, picnic blankets, a boozymelon and bbq. (Mom's is actually helping me with my little party!) kayla has found a date (an admirer of hers) and we all know who Fiona is going with...*cough Jill cough cough* but this girl.... Needless to say her date Brandon has been asked to bring her flowers (by us) and we're going to see if she takes care of them better (under threat) another interesting point to share... kayla is under the idea that they get to both wear boy clothes tomorrow. Here's the thing...1. the boys clothes we found in the apartment were kaylas! 2. she threw Fiona under the bus with it... any guesses as to who will be "allowed" to wear boy clothes and who will not?? hehe. kayla is going to have a temper tantrum.